It is two weeks since my last post and we have achieved quite a bit in that time. The solar water heating panels have been installed. Unfortunately since then the weather has been anything but sunny so the water has not yet reached a decent temperature. It was therefore vital that the back up gas boiler was tested to ensure it worked properly. And of course it didn't, being Spain. It would work now and again, which is not much use really if you were looking forward to a hot shower in the morning and it may or may not be hot. Lots of phone calls later with Berna describing the boiler as a 'cabron', or a large goat, we had the plumber back who discovered that our cold water feed was at too high a pressure. This was solved with the addition of appropriately placed valves and now it all works splendidly. Here is the solar water heater.
I struck a deal with Berna whereby he removes the old diesel generator (a real pain as it had to be craned out) and as compensation he blocks in the covered area where the generator stood to make another storeroom.